subota, 28. prosinca 2013.

2 makeup looks for New Year's Eve!

Hey guys :D
First makeup look by Dora. :) Soo last saturday, I went to my friend's birthday party in one night club and this was my make up and I think it is perfect for New Year's Eve. :) 

Second look is by Helena. I created it and I think it would be nice for New Year's Eve because you can't go wrong with smokey eye or cut crease makeup look! :) 

Happy holidays from Teenage Wasteland by H&D we hope you will have a lot of fun and we wish you happy new year that will be full of joy! Kisses, Dora and Helena! :* 

subota, 21. prosinca 2013.

Christmas day gold/brown makeup!

Easy makeup look if you are going to be home with your family for Christmas! I will do one more extreme soon for New Year's eve  so check that if you are stuck on ideas! :) 
Sorry for eyebrows, I'm growing them out so I can shape them how I want. :)

-by Helena 

srijeda, 18. prosinca 2013.

random wish list- for santa :)


Mislim da ne moram reći ništa o ovoj paleti. Jednostavno je savršena, ali preskupa! :(
I think I don't have to say anything about this pallet, it's perfect, but expensive! :(

 Srećom naišla sam na Catrice absolute nude paletu koja ne može zamijeniti Naked 2, ali je sama po sebi jako dobra .
Luckily I found this Catrice absolute nude pallet. It isn't as Naked 2 but it's very good and I would be thankful to have it.

špice za balet- želja posjedovanja jednog para traje od početka mog školovanja u plesnoj školi. Balet nam je samo jedan od osam predmeta, ali meni je najdraži! (iako maturu polažem za suvremenog plesača) Znam da vam se ova slika vjerojatno ne sviđa i znam da bi mi prsti izgledali kao ovi na slici, ali balet je toliko lijep da je bol za mene zanemariva! :)

Pointe shoes- desire of owning a pair of pointe shoes runs from the beginning of my education in dance school. Ballet is only one of the eight subjects I attend, but it's my favorite! (although I'll graduate for contemporary dancer) I know that a lot of you don't like this image and I know that my fingers will probably look like these in the picture, but ballet is so beautiful and I don't think of pain while I do it!

Ovdje vam nemam šta puno pričat, obožavam ovaj parfem i želim ga! haha
I don't have much to say here, I just love this parfume and I want it! :D

Obožavam matt nokte, mislim da bi mi dobro došao... :)
I love matt nails, I think it will be good to have this nail polish... :)

Ne želim ga samo zato što ga trebam, nego je toliko lijep da bi ga kupila samo da mi stoji na polici!! :)
35 kuna u Bipi

I don't want it just because I need it, I would buy it just to put it on my shelf to make
 my room prettier!!

Glammy goes to....THEM!
I read they are great! want the gold one :)

              by Dora 

petak, 13. prosinca 2013.

Christmas / holiday outfit!

Hey, I can't believe that there is only one week until winter break. I can't wait for Christmas it is so close! I realized that I don't know what to wear on Christmas and other events so to inspire you, my lovely readers and myself, I decided to show some outfits that I just combined together in photo editor. I hope you like them I know they aren't everybody's style but I love all of them and I really hope you will like them too, please leave a comment and tell me what you think, I just get really happy when I read lovely comments on my post! 

-by Helena  

ponedjeljak, 9. prosinca 2013.


I wear this nail polish all the time, it's Missliyn french nail polish 119!

(favourite ice creame-pistachio)

And here I just added essence nail art 03silver surfer...

I don't know which nail polishes I used but it's and inspiration for those who like colors :)

 Hope you like it, comment if you do! :*
                                                                                                         - by Dora

subota, 7. prosinca 2013.

Christmas and other wishlists!

First two things are from Croatian furniture store Emmezeta.
Bookshelf and this gorgeous jewelry box! 

I want Pretty little liars books, I love the show,so I think I would enjoy books too.  

This makeup organizer, I found them only on ebay, but I don't shop on ebay, so I'm stuck. :( 

THIS perfume smells so good, my friend has it and it is so perfect, want it! 

I need more makeup brushes, mostly eye brushes because I don't use a lot of face makeup but I do use and experiment with eye makeup! 

I want to buy more movies, I'm starting since December, I alredy have 3 of them and I don't know why, I love having collection of good movies.

This nail polish is Catrice Kitsch Me If You Can and it is a lot cheaper (kind of) version for Essie A cut above .It is pink and it is glitter, my dreams came true and I think that it would be perfect for holidays! :) 

I have been looking at this earrings for a while, they are from H&M and probably I will buy them for myself. :P 

-by Helena  

četvrtak, 5. prosinca 2013.

Wishlist- Stradivarious and Bershka

I adore Stradivarious. I always find something to buy there!

Bershka is cool too, but I don't like it's quality. Here are some  things from their webshop:

That's it. Hope you like it :) :*

                                               - by Dora 

nedjelja, 1. prosinca 2013.

Fast hairstyle :)

Dakle, na youtubeu sam vidjela ovu ultra brzu i zanimljivu frizuru i odlučila je podijeliti s vama :)
On youtube I saw short tutorial and I decided to share it with you :)

I. Zavežite visoki rep s tim da ostavite jedan pramen kose koji ćete kasnije isplesti u pletenicu. (Meni je ispala malo pre tanka, slobodno uzmite malo deblji pramen)
I. Make a high pony tail but keep one part of your hair down. Later you will knit a braid from it.

(sorry for the ear :P)

II. Ispletenu pletenicu ''zamotajte'' oko glave i pričvrstite ukosnicama.
II. Knitted braid wrap around your head  and secure it with bobby pins.

and voila, that's it. This is how it should look like :) hope you like it, comment if you tried it and how did it turn out!

                                                                                                      -by Dora